Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/Dec 2011 Diploma Paper
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/Dec 2011 Diploma Question Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       15×1=15  Â
  Q1. Calculate the quantities of following items of work from fig.1
    (a) Earth work in excavation in foundations 5
    (b) PCC 1:6:12 as foundations cone 5
    (c) Brick masonry is superstructure 10
    (d) BB work in foundation and plinth 10
  Q2. Write units of measurement and payment of the following items 1.5×10=15
    (i) Earthwork in cutting               (ii) RCC slab
    (iii) C. Conc in lintels                  (iv) Plastering
    (v) Brick flooring                      (vi) Skirting
    (vii) Land clearing                    (viii) Tree cutting
    (ix) Fixing W.C seats                   (x) Bitumen supply
  Q3. Find the quantities of materials regd. For the following 7.5×2=15
    (a) 100 cubic meter c.con 1:3:6
    (b) 100m3 of brick masonry in 1:4:c mortar
  Q4. Write note on any three 3×5=15
     (a) Salvage valve
     (b) Sinking fund
     (c) Years purchase
     (d) Principles of valuations
  Q5. Work out the capitalized value of property on the basis of 7% net yield for an office building of 500 sq.m built at the cost of 1500 per sq.m on a land area of 800m2.The land cost is Rs.15000/- per sq.m. Monthly rental from it is Rs.9000/-. Take life of structure as 70 years. Sinking fund is 3 % compound Interest. Other data is
     (a) Repair and maintenance =1 month rent
     (b) M.C property taxes =15% of annual rent
     (c) Insurance etc =10% of annual rent 15
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/ dec 2011 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection a applied Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Solved Question Paper
Screw jack works on the principle of __________ . A body which does not change its size and shape under effect of forces acting on it is called a ___________body. Equilibrium force is equal and opposite to the ____________ Force. Resultant of two forces is maximum when angle between them is _____________ Turning effect of force is called _______________. Â The resultant of two unlike parallel forces is equal to their __________ . C.g of a body symmetrical about an axis lies on __________ . Sliding friction is a type of _____________ Friction. Impulse = Mass X __________ . Apparent weight of passenger sitting in freely falling lift is ____________ .Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here
Section B :Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May\’19
What is valuation? Give the purpose of valuation.Valuation and purpose of valuation.
What are the factors considered while preparing the analysis of rates?
Factors considered while preparing the analysis of rates
Find out the dry material for 1 cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.
Dry material for 1 cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.
Find out the dry material required for 1 cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.
Find out the dry material required for 1 cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.
Define tender. Write the name of various tender documents.
Tender and name of various tender documents.
Define contractor. What are essential qualifications of a contractor?
Contractor and essential qualifications of a contractor
Write a short note on Scrap value and Earnest money.
Short note on Scrap value and Earnest money.
Write a short note on different Measurement Books.
Short note on different Measurement Books.
Write a short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.
Short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil /May 2019 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Quantity Surveying & Valuation Civil/May 2019 Paper
Prepare a preliminary estimate of a building having plinth area equal to 2000 sq.m. Workout the analyses of rates per cu.m for Brick work 1:4 cement sand mortar in superstructure. Define an estimate. Give its importance or objectives. Name the various types of estimate.Estimate and its importance or objectives
Name the various types of estimate.
What is contract? Explain the different type of contract.
Contract and different type of contract.
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